
  • Bowden Klemmensen posted an update 4 years, 2 months ago

    Nowadays blogs have become popular media to convey others about how you see the world. From a college boy to an international celebrity, everyone has become addicted to this media of communication. Daily thousands of new internet users are setting up their blogs and expressing themselves to their people.
    Blogs are dynamic websites with an idea of keeping user busy with the website by means of reading, commenting, posting, suggesting or any kind of communication which user wants to setup with peer users or the blog owner.
    Sometimes when we look at a blog which gives us a sense of envy of not owning , lets explore a way to create such blogs and sit on driving seat.
    There are so many blog building tools in market as Joomla, WordPress etc which are significantly handy to create blogs on the fly.
    Now I will take you through the stepwise overview of sample blog creation using WordPress
    Step 1 Domain Registration
    First choose the domain of the blog and then register the domain with any of the domain registration companies in market. Before opting for the vendor you must do a relative study of domain registration charges.
    Step 2 Web Hosting

    Most of the companies provide both services domain registration and web hosting together. Again choice is yours for choosing any company but ensure you do a relative study of company’s work profile, charges (I suggest you must read through the reviews before taking any decision).Hosting parameters such as bandwidth, storage capacity etc are dependent on the expected usage of the blog so a study even on this is required.
    Step 3 Installing WordPress
    As soon as your blog is download the WordPress software from WordPress website () and place it in control panel. Install it (Installation steps are available on the WordPress website which are quite straight forward to follow).In some cases you can even ask your vendor to install it for you (as the WordPress tool comes free of cost).
    Step 4 Accessing the dashboard
    After the WordPress is installed, you will get the admin access to the dashboard (place from where you can configure the WordPress blog). Now and enter the dashboard by providing your admin username and password.
    Step 5 Choosing the right theme
    Now you can download theme of your choice from website and upload it on dashboard. Now as soon as you activate the theme, your blog will come in the looks as you previewed in theme (The in-depth details of theme activation process are
    available on the website).
    Step 6 Adding plug-ins
    Now having achieved the desired looks for your blog, you can opt for many plug-ins of your choice as dictionary, news or jokes etc.
    Now you blog is ready to be your internet face.During the above explanation the in-depth technical documentation could not be provided but believe me you just start exploring website, it has all the things required for blog creation. In some of my upcoming articles i will be writing the in-depth technical details of WordPress blog creation.
    Happy Blogging
    All the Best


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