Joensen Booth

  • Shamanism isn’t a system of belief or faith, it’s a system of data, which is directly experienced top notch by the senses. The world that Shamans operate in is not an consensus reality, i.e. might know about have agreed is reality. The Shaman sees i.e. experiences with all the senses. The Shaman will be the mediator involving the ordinary world as…[Read more]

  • Joensen Booth became a registered member 4 years, 2 months ago


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    Level 2,1160 Hay St,
    West Perth WA 6005
    PH:1800 100 YEM

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    YEM Concentrator, Sino Iron Project, North West
    Coastal Highway, Cape Preston, Karratha, WA

  • Mail Address

    PO Box 826, West Perth, 6872